Valentine's Day
Valentine's, the day dedicated to love... This year I would like to explore with you the many ways of love. I’d like to begin by quoting the hauntingly beautiful poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”
Hmmm, let me see how many ways I can think of.
I can love you by being transparent and showing you exactly who I am. Exposing my inner self and becoming vulnerable so that you see me in my truest form. I am enough.
I can love you by seeing all your beauty and your flaws and accept you just as you are. You are enough.
I can love you by choosing to be your friend, or pal, or buddy, or lover, or spouse, or companion without any chains attached to the relationship. It is the freedom I give myself to enter the relationship that brings me joy.
I can love you by walking beside you. Quietly, patiently, compassionately, with the full understanding that you and I will change.
I can love you in good times and bad. When you are funny, when you are angry, when you are happy, and when you are sad. All these emotions you have, I have too.
I can love you by being honest. Honesty is difficult, it brings up a rawness that shows our inability to be perfect. Loving you enough to help you and perhaps even expose myself to your anger and even abandonment.
I can love you enough to allow myself to enjoy what you enjoy. If it’s sports or cooking, no matter, I can live through it and enjoy it, no chains attached, no quid pro quo.
I can love you and find simple joy in just that very fact.
I can love you enough to share my best little secrets:
- Balance in life most days.
- Throwing caution to the wind and doing whatever you please must be like salt…used correctly but sparingly.
- Yellow kiwis are better than green kiwis.
- Set intentions with BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles®!
- Be nice.
- Create daily rituals.